Monday, December 9, 2019

Entertainment Speech free essay sample

To some people having a baby seems effortless and straightforward. I mean, really how hard can it be? All you have to do is hold them, rock them to sleep, feed them their bottle when they cry and change their diaper a few times a day. Who wouldn’t want to bring home that sweet bundle of joy from the hospital, receive an overflow amount of cards, gifts, home cooked dinners and have all the help you would need from family members and friends. Sounds like a pretty simple question to me. I will never forget, I was about fifteen year’s old flying out to Florida to go on a family vacation. Here comes walking down the aisle a mother around the age of thirty, very attractive, lovely looking face, hair put up in a bun sprayed heavily, wearing earrings and rings that were so flashy that the only thing I could do is sit there and gawk. Plus I would have someone by my side supporting me the entire night. Evan and I planned the whole night from what we were going to wear to dinner to the after party to staying over at my house. But in order for this fairytale plan to actually work I was going to need my parent’s approval. However, they did not know I was gay, nor did they know that I had a boyfriend. So in order to coax my father into letting me do what I wanted, I like any teenager knew I had to suck up to him. Therefore, I spent an entire day mowing the lawn, hedging the bushes, trimming the roses, planting flowers, vacuuming, dusting, reorganizing, and lastly cooking dinner. After dinner I took my father outside to show him all the work that I had done. It was nighttime and the lights on the house and landscaping made an awesome ambiance. And after a few minutes of walking around and complementing on the work, I knew that I wasn’t going to have a better opportunity then that moment. I paused and looked my father deep into the eyes, and begin by first stating â€Å"do you promise not to get mad at me? † I knew I was shaking and my hands began to sweat as he replied with saying â€Å"go on. † The lack of reassurance made my body go into a frenzy, I was shaking relentlessly as I began to mutter â€Å"I’m gay†¦ I like boys. † I suddenly felt lighter, as if I accomplished the impossible. Knowing how understanding my Father was I expected the conversation to go very smoothly after the initial shock had hit him. But as time passed in awkward silence. I knew that it wasn’t so. Suddenly my father began to bombard me with questions. Why? How do you know? Why don’t you like girls? What did I do to make you gay? My heart sank, all the practicing and coaching from parents, from other gay friends, my boyfriend, his parents, they made it seem so easy. And here I am with my own father rejecting me, questioning me as if I was some failure. It finally came down to him asking â€Å"what do you want from me? † The question rang through my head. What do I want from you? What do you mean what do I want from you? Nothing had changed. I still want the same things love respect support encouragement. So nimbly I said â€Å"support dad, I need your support. † After all I knew that coming out to the entire school was going to have its repercussions and I expected to loose many friendships. I waited for a response, till finally he said I can’t support your decisions Chris, come on we are going to have to tell your step mom. † After muttering those same words to her, she fell to the ground in a dramatic show bawling her eyes out and instantly began to attack me by asking things like â€Å"so are you just having a whole bunch of sex when you have guys over? † She even went as far to say that she didn’t want me in a 30-minute radius of the house with another guy. I finally realized my parents were embarrassed of me. I was hurt. If having my mother tell me that she doesn’t love me wasn’t bad enough the last two parents in my life were tearing me down word by word just because of my sexual orientation. I didn’t ask to be born this way. I just was. Pointless to say I wasn’t allowed to go to prom, which led to one huge fight with my boyfriend and us breaking up. Weeks went on and little by little my freedoms were stripped away from me: being out past midnight, sleeping over at places, trips more than one day, having guy friends over, more chores were added, it just seemed impossible. Finally, I couldn’t take it any more. The frustration of not being happy got the best of me which led to a four hour argument where I was hit, choked, slapped, swore at and mentally abused. I had finally hit my low. I couldn’t stand living with them any more. And they couldn’t stand me. Once I turned 18 I was faced with the decision of trying to make it on my own financially and emotionally or continue to live through hell. I walked out of my parent’s life and now am proving to them and myself that I can do it without them. Since moving out I have found a new respect for myself and orientation. And today I can say I am proud of myself. And before I end I want to leave you with this, all of our actions have repercussions, make sure you think them through before you act. I just hope that one day my parent’s can look back and ask was it really worth loosing a son because he was gay?

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